Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Will Facebook survive the apocalypse ?

                                   The year is 7869 cockroach has liked a picture of you.

It might just be me but I hate Facebook, but I just can't say goodbye. I and the other 250 million + users are overly consumed and infected by that desire to know everything about everyone.

 I mean do we really want to know about your sad life or what you had for breakfast- the depressing part is we really do...

There's a particular "Facebook whore" type of person, who thinks they can click 'add as friend' after a brief 10 second encounter. I mean, have those 10 seconds secured you a place amongst the friends I want to run into the sunset with...Well yes. We don't want to add them but we do, don't we? Or we send them that polite/ patronising message saying   "sorry , do I know you?" and from then on you're caught in the spiral of  talking to them, so you have to add them as a friend; giving the stranger an access outline of your life.

Something to think about - I don't know if you've noticed but before it would say "Add as friend" and now it says "Add friend".  Is this the co-operation at work here to expand their user base? Or do they want the world to be as the inbetweeners would put it " fwieendsss".

 A Psychology study by Buffardi & Campbell of the University of Georgia, found that for every 5 friends you have, there is at least one who is not considered a  "proper friend".

The internet did not create narcissism but many would argue that it contributes a great deal.

The research found that an individual's level of activity on Facebook strongly correlated to their level of narcissism . In short, people who like themselves tend to show more to the world about it.

Just the other day my 12 year old brother told me that he was on Facebook ( I cannot describe to you in words the facial expression I pulled) . As well as it being a danger, I saw it as being pointless. What would be the point , you're only going to discuss yesterday's Pepper Pig episode at school anyway... Although adults utilising Facebook could be seen as a child's want and need for attention too.

I think instead of Facebook it should be called Stalkbook ; which would consist of checking out your ex's relationship status or seeing if your teachers are on there.  We've all  picked up our smartphones and unnoticeably scanned the news feed without  even consumed any of the information displayed. But why? Does this mean we don't care about anyone else on there but apart from the way we look and stand in this cyber society?

Lets Face(book) it we are all doomed.

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