Thursday, 20 March 2014

My favourite hairstyle of the week - braided bun

braid bun
I prefer prepping this style with  damp hair.

Separate half your head from the top for the bun and below for the braided  fish plait. Tie the top bit up- it doesn't have to be neat , just so its out of the way from the other part of the hair.
This is when you shout "Mum" or get your mate to help for the next part.

Instead of fish braiding it towards your shoulders, you want to work it towards the top- nearer to the bun.

1. Once you have separated the ponytail, you are going to start out by holding the 2 strands in your left hand.
Fishtail Braid step 1
2. Now you are going to take a thin piece from the outside of the right strand and join it with the left strand.
Fishtail Braid step 2
3. Reverse how you are holding hair and switch hands.
Fishtail Braid step 3
4. With your left hand take a thin piece from the outside of the left strand and join it with the right strand.
Fishtail Braid step 4
5. You are going to repeat steps 2 and 3 until the braid is as long as you desire. Then finish with an elastic.
Fishtail Braid step 5

After braiding , you then want to tie the bun the way you like it, but I would suggest making it as scrunchy and large as possible so you can tuck and wrap the end of the fish braid around it.  Then add a little hairspray to hold it in place and blow dry your hair on the cool setting( if wet prior).

Give it Go!


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