Thursday, 6 March 2014

vox pop

 Are University Students a HELP or HINDRANCE to this                                                        town?

  HINDRANCE                             HELP                  HINDRANCE                                   HELP
Photo           Photo       Photo   
Kevin Cozens, 49, said,         Thomas Moore , 28 said,       Anne Haston,75 said,                                     Kathy Phillips , 53 said,
"The students are lacking     " The students provide a greater "The students can be very                                     " If it weren't for the students 
social integration into the       income for the local economy,  noisy at night when I'm                                           the banks here would 
community , and the majority  they bring the bar culture alive  trying to sleep, and the                                          hardly survive , due to the
don't understand the English   and they add to the status of the  rubbish on the streets is a                                      many bank accounts they
Culture".                                town".                                            problem"                                                               have with us". 



Adriana Broclawska,19 said,
"It doesn't make a difference but it inflicts
a positive cultural diversity within the town
because that's what this town is missing out 


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