Friday, 21 March 2014

We smoke because we're cool.

View WP_20140321_00620140321214041.jpg in slide show                        Does smoking help you achieve a higher "cool" status and encourage uncertain friendships?

Like many I have tried to give up smoking but then I realised you can't listen to a Jim Morrison record without prancing around with a fag perched on the edge of your lip.

Smoking is a weird way to accidentally make awkward friendships. ( Not that I do it in order to make friends...Well it's a blogger's prerogative too) .

An example being ; it's cold,wet and miserable outside and all you want to do is pump  some carbon monoxide into your lungs . Then suddenly your eyes meet with a toothless stranger outside who's suddenly shoving a lighter in your face - amongst the gums with the non existent teeth. So I find myself trapped in an awkward situation . All I want to do is enjoy my cigarette and contemplate on life for 2 minutes ,but, instead I have to listen to a rambling old man complaining about the price of food in Waitrose. 

In order to give up smoking you have to have a high sex drive and get some too! ( take it from me). Sex or eating a lot that's the only option you're only going to get I'm afraid... So now I understand why the old man was complaining about the price of food in Waitrose.

At the end of the day people who smoke only started because they thought it looked cool and if they tell you otherwise then they deserved the increased tax on cigarettes.

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