Thursday, 20 March 2014

Speed dating - yes or no or social suicide?

"Hi, so what do you like to do in your spare time?"
That was a little harsh I'm sure he makes a great cuppa...

I had my first taste of speed dating last night ( well it was actually for Psychology research but hey ho close enough). At the beginning it was a little nerve racking...Particularly after swabs and questionnaires came into the picture. ( It was a psychology experiment on rejection by the way).
However, I generally thought that mostly girls would turn up , but there were more men then there were woman! Call me old fashioned and sexist but I thought that men's thought process on the matter would sound something like this "Great! Because all I want to do is listen to loads of girls talk about themselves without getting any sex out of it".

I must say it was an enjoyable/awkward experience, I couldn't help but develop different accents for the different 2 minute dates ( someone thought I was Russian so I just went along with it...).  But are people that naïve to think that they would find their Prince Charming or Lady Guinevere in just under 2 minutes- it takes longer to make a cup of coffee for Christ sake!

Half way through the "experiment" I felt like a Spartan woman but maybe less Butch or Aphrodite even, it does indeed boost your confidence and to think I was only there for research ( keep telling yourself that Leila...). Now I can shamefully admit I have been speed dating, so I thought I would share some advice on what you shouldn't do in those vast 2 minutes of your life.

1.) Do not stare so far into the other person's eyes that you  find yourself in a black hole abyss ( whilst you're there see if  flight MH370 is around).

2.) Speak loudly but not too loud, you want to blow them away with your charm and not with your voice.

3.) Try not to be so Cliché open with something that will either excite them or scare them ( don't worry if you scare them , that just means they weren't ready for your jelly).

4.) Compliment  them on the way they talk say that they speak articulately even if they sound like Peggy Butcher (this is a high blush scorer).

5.) Do not fiddle with your hands or your balls for the matter.

6.) If in doubt just smile and joke about the whole situation.

7.) Don't tell them about your ex's injunction.

8.) Do not go on about your life and your 8 cats, let them express themselves too.

9.) Don't ask if they have a sister.

Good luck our 2 minutes is up!

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