Monday, 3 February 2014

It's now a fashion statement to take pets on the London underground

I  did some research on laws regarding animals on the underground. The research showed that dogs were allowed, but had to be carried on the escalators  (good luck with biggie over there) . 

Other animals had to be in cages, one comment on Yahoo answers said that they once saw 'a cat sitting on a man's shoulder' . Besides already feeling like cattle on the tube , we might as well involve the animal kingdom. 

I went to London recently and saw that more men were accompanied by fluffy friends than women , well they do say dogs are a man's best friend.  Although, you can count your lucky chickens that the Chinese decided not to bring horses ( BBC translation "whores") on the tube  to Leicester Square over the weekend.

The animals were discovered by Paul Middlewick in 1988 . They're created using the tube lines, stations and junctions of the London Underground map. Paul found the original animal , the elephant , while he was staring at the tube map during his daily routine journey from home to work. Since then, Elephant and Castle ( as the elephant is called) has been joined by many others from bats to bottle-nose whales. 

What animals can you spot?

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