Thursday, 6 February 2014

University neighbours.

666 door | Flickr - Photo Sharing!"That's when good neighbours become good friends"- Or maybe not?                                                                                                                                                   We all have those days when you want to bang on the wall or poke the ceiling with the vacuum cleaner. However, to some extent the majority of campus residents I have spoken to at my uni don't mind the fact that your neighbour can hear you coughing... Amongst other things.     

I managed to sort the research into categories , what kind of neighbour do you have?


1.) The bring a friend back every night neighbour

This neighbour is in search of a mate and he or she will pull every trick in the book in order to get one. I mean picture the scene, you're just about to nod off when suddenly Maria Sharapova starts giving backhanders next door. I interviewed a few  post-graduates  and they said as a whole "it is most likely for fresher students to launch their bodies at each other during the first week of university".

Leila's suggestions;

a.) Invest in a pair of ear muffs.
b.) Slip a note under the door saying "I've heard better".
c.) Bring champagne to the party .

2.) The ninja neighbour

This sneaky devil only leaves behind so much as a whisper and the occasional door slamming. Rather than being seen and not heard they are heard but not seen. Which throws you into the role of Sherlock Holmes to investigate the weird being living on your floor. So you find yourself glued to the  spyhole once you hear a snap of a sound. 

Leila's suggestions;

a.) Knock on their door and ask them if the internet is working for them.
b.) Leave milk and cookies outside your door.
c.) Face the fact that there is a serial killer sharing your bathroom. 

3.) The nocturnal neighbour 

This neighbour has a date with the kitchen every 10 minutes. But, usually some species of nocturnal neighbours forget about the other creatures living around them; so they'll start to play the radio in the kitchen or decide to re-vamp the place  i.e moving furniture or start hoovering the invisible crumbs. 

Leila's suggestions;

a.) Put a 'out of use' sign on the kitchen door.
b.) Make them their favourite drink and tell them that Night Nurse is a brilliant mixer.
c.) Tell them a relative of yours died from insomnia.

4.) The can I borrow your sugar neighbour 

This sorry sod didn't think to come prepared for university. As you hear the dreaded knock at your door  you peep  through the spyhole to see the neighbour smiling ever so cunningly. You open the door, they ask you a pointless question about your life, then, they don't hang about as to why they're actually bothering you, why they got you out of your hell hole. "Could I borrow..."

Leila's suggestions;

a.) Just say sorry I don't have any.
b.) Pretend you can't speak English.
c.) Open the door wearing a gimp mask. 

" Borrowing trouble for yourself, if that's your nature , but don't lend it to your neighbours" 

    -Rudyard Kipling 

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