Tuesday, 11 February 2014

The touch screens of tomorrow

Today I noticed an itch of a problem , and that problem exists within our children and the  technology of today.

Obviously I cannot discriminate against the extraordinary endeavours of the mighty technology lords, and how they've taken a vast turn on our little planet.
However this vast turn should not corrupt the minds of our children.
 To a turn to my daily endeavours , I was casually eating my lunch , when suddenly  I was surrounded by children with smart phones, I mean of course parents nowadays  should encourage their children to have their five a day, but honestly Apple and Blackberry?

It's not that my anger manifests from the thought of envy ;  that these youngsters may have a better mobile device than myself, but the fact of the matter is what does an 11yr old  actually need it for ? Sharing yesterday's reviews on an episode of pepper pig? Soon enough children will have discovered everything they need to know buy a touch of a button or a swipe of a screen - How daddy struggles to fit into that same Santa suit every year and the vegetable police do not exist. Needless to say the parents are always the ones to blame. Everywhere I go I see mother's pushing their prams whilst sending a text, what is next for the maternal instinct ? The breast feeding app perhaps?

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